Articles on Parent Coaching

Preparing to Launch

Preparing to Launch

We all know of those movies where an adult child is still living in their parent's basement: eating their food, borrowing money for gas, attempting to date. Nobody wants that. The child themselves, the potential mate, and of course... the parents. To prevent the above...

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Parenting Toolkit

Parenting Toolkit

Some Tips and Tools for your Parenting Toolkit This is not an article, but a few points that I feel are very poignant when raising teenagers. Try adding some of these to your repertoire, keep doing them if you already are, OR...try some out! Learn to tolerate the way...

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The Dad in the Dressing Room

The Dad in the Dressing Room

I had an awesome experience last weekend.  I witnessed a dad do an absolutely stellar job with his teenage daughter. I know there are so many great dads out there, but this particular exchange had to be documented 🙂 I was in the Banana Republic Outlet Store. I was in...

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The Beauty of an Apology

The Beauty of an Apology

Nobody really loves to apologize. Except perhaps, Canadians – ha! But holy-moly, a perfectly worded apology goes a long way in the relationship with your teen (or any relationship, really!).  Of course, it has to be authentic and there is a pretty precise way to do it...

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What Do I Say ???

What Do I Say ???

The following bullets are some ideas of what to specifically say if you are stuck with how to emotionally attend and connect with your teen. Some of these you will really like and use. Some of these you will hate and throw away. It’s all about adding the right tools...

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What Teens Want More of From Their Parents

What Teens Want More of From Their Parents

  It bears stating the obvious: kid’s relationships with their parents' matter. It is the child/parent relationship where kids first learn emotional competency, healthy conflict, communication, core values, and beliefs. BUT, if a child is not feeling connected...

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